The version of Anacrostics you have downloaded does everything except print out solveable puzzles. It will print out finished puzzles but with the answers in them.
You could, if you wanted to save money, grab the White Out and start cleaning up. Or you could use some other method via screen shots and cutting and pasting to cobble together a puzzle for others to solve.
Or you could just register this copy. It's quick, easy, and cheap. Choose "Register Copy" from the file menu to do that.
The program is intuitive enough that I doubt you'll need any instructions, but if you do, just press Help (or Option-H if your keyboard is lacking a Help key) to get a full manual of tips and how-to's.
Make sure you try out the Dictionary button: it makes creating anacrostics a million percent easier (and that's no exaggeration).
Country Road Software is a small-time operation but we've got plans for other novel puzzle-creating software (like Droplines).
A word to you teachers: we have plans for a number of programs that help you produce unique, fun worksheets (it's not an oxymoron...and we'll prove it) in a jiffy. Our number one priority: make it print out on just one page! If you've spent as much time standing in front of a copy machine as most teachers have, Ya gotta love that"
All these great ideas will come to pass when enough of you have registered your copy.